SEO Workshop for Spiritual Entrepreneurs | Prism Effect | How to align with technology so you can be found
Do you run an amazing business focused on wellness or coaching?
no one knows who you are yet except your close friends and social media circle - but they aren’t your clients?
you have a podcast or YouTube Channel but there are 0-4 views per video
you have a website but no one is finding it online and it’s on page 30?
What if you knew how to reach more humans?
What if you learned a few tweaks you could start using today so that more people can see your images?
What if you knew how to write better titles for your YouTube videos (and podcasts) so more people could find you?
What if you implemented what 95% of small business owners AREN’T doing online so your work and website shows up to MORE people who want to work with you?
Infuse Your Business with Clarity!
Grab a cup of tea, turn on Zoom and prepare to leave with vision, inspiration and concrete actions you can take right away to connect the right people with your offerings.
The Prism Effect - a Free Workshop to Align You, Your Business and Technology using Images, Photography and Video.
This workshop is back for another round because I want more entrepreneurs and spiritual business owners and creators to KNOW WHAT’S POSSIBLE. It can be easy to make little changes in how you upload images and video online so that your hard work can finally be found by the people who want to experience what you are doing.
This workshop is 90 minutes full of concrete actions you can take right away to start making more impact online. It’s easier than you think - promise!
The workshop will be on zoom and is recorded and includes a PDF resource you can have after to refer back to.
See you there!
Claim Your Spot in the Workshop
spaces are limited to create time for questions and conversation at the end
you need to register to get access to the replay and PDF
Learn about upcoming workshops and stay in touch!