Hummingbird Forest Garden
Upcoming Events
February Seed Sharing Social + Soil Blocking with Julia
Val des Monts Food Forest Seed Sharing Social and Soil-Blocking with Julia Wong. Join us for an afternoon learning about seed starting, sharing seeds and building community!
November Seed Sharing & Food Forest Event
Join us for a Food Forest Workshop and Seed Sharing Social at Hummingbird Forest Gardens.
A Night with the Fireflies
An early evening into night retreat including a workshop about the Universal Laws of Divine Timing. Guided conversation and we will have dinner straight from the garden and our local farms created by a local chef, Anna. We will wrap the evening up with a magical walk with the fireflies.
Seed Sharing Social at the Food Forest
Join us at Hummingbird Forest Gardens for a seed sharing social and workshop about Fruit Tree Guilds. Fruit Tree Guilds create a space where the tree is supported by a diverse collection of other plants to create resiliancy. We will be looking at young fruit tree guilds and talk about the benefits of this way of growing food and plants.
Walk Among the Wildflowers
Join us for an afternoon of Universal Laws, community, and a meal straight from the Garden!