I Lost my Cool with My Kid | The Ripples of Parenting and Divine Timing

First off - hey oh oh eh - you aren’t the only one who has lost their cool with their children.

This parenting gig - can be tough! And yes, la la la, all the good stuff too - that’s the easy stuff - but these little humans can be triggering.

And sometimes, we unintentionally teach them how to push our buttons - oops.

No problem. You’ve got this.

We can apply the Divine Timing Cycle to ANYTHING!

The Divine Timing Cycle includes awareness, acceptance, self-responsibility, activation, acceleration and finally transmutation. The more I use it and apply it to my own life, the more I realize that it is truly useful for everything! Specifically this video below is about a parent who brought a question to a channeling session which ended up sparking a love-filled message all about how we can apply the divine timing cycle to parenting.

When I feel triggered, I find myself trying to control my kids’ feelings

Yup. This sounds familiar I’m sure to many. This is the joy of creating a community for group channeling because often questions are brought up that resonate for many people in the group - psst this is unity.

I don’t think any of us set out to try and control everything - it often is a habit we’ve formed that we believe makes us safe. We feel like we have a say in things when we can “control” them, right? It’s all good - the exhaustion of it (burnout if you keep going) will eventually trigger you into awareness.

When you feel stuck in anger or find yourself sitting alone on the couch with a cold coffee after loosing your cool with your kids - chill, friend, you are human.

You are human.

We each came here and each of us is on our own individual journey. We intersect and cross paths with all kinds of other humans - it’s the design. And then one day, one of the other humans does something that triggers you into your “not the smoothest, coolest self” and now you’re feeling the burn. It’s all good - this is for you. This was always part of the plan.

We are meant to be triggered (or synchronized) into alignment - all.the.time.

You are here to experience YOU. This is YOU in a human body - being human. Like a pin-ball from the 80’s you are being re-aligned back home to yourself over and over again. You came in here with some amazing coding (yeah, numerology - that’s a whole other story) that is superbly set up just for your fullest expression.

So, triggers - thank you for letting me know something is off and I need to come back to myself. Synchronicities - same thing - except we don’t judge these triggers (they are still triggers - to keep going).

So for fun-sies let’s just see what is possible if these triggers are in fact FOR US?

Watch this video and see what you think. If you are here - might as well give it a go, eh?

See you on the other side!

Yell at yer kids? Lost the plot a bit? Learn how you can apply the Divine Timing Cycle to your parenting journey.


Every trigger is designed to bring you back to yourself.

When you catch yourself feeling triggered (you know - sweaty, angry, loosing your cool, isolating, logic out the window or logic so strong you are trying to control the world…) this is an invitation to pause and notice how you are really feeling. “I’m angry and I just lost my cool with my kid”.

How to ground yourself and stay calm when you are triggered.

Ok. Awareness. Check!

“I accept and love myself in this moment - I’m angry and I lost my cool.”

Ok. Acceptance. Check!

“I am ready to take responsibility for my experience.”

Ok. Self-responsibility. Check! (and yes, we can take responsibility for OUR OWN EXPERIENCE even when it feels like lots of sh*ty shit is going on around us or “to” us.

This is Emotional Mastery in action - and it IS possible to use it to change from overwhelm and loosing the plot to choice and calm.

Do you see how this could shift your life?

Even if there’s some doubt and “yeah that’s nice, Elle, but this isn’t real life” - I want to invite you to get curious about this. Is it possible for you? Are you ready for a change? Are you ready to move from overwhelmed and feeling out of control to ease and brownies? Ok. I added the brownies- but still.

The Grounded Soul Program might be for you.

If this is resonating even a little bit - are you ready to learn more? Are you ready to make some moves to get what you want in your life, business and relationships? What if you could have it?

What if this rippled through your whole family?


Conscious Channeling and Universal Laws Series | Fall 2022


Our Kids Don’t Need Us to Know the Answers | Conscious Channeling