Are you ready to be what happens?

‘Cause it’s gonna get really really good!

Let’s settle the swirling and get this party started…

What if your business or dream is here for you?

Your idea seems too big. You aren’t sure that you have all the ducks in a row and actually, you don’t even know where the ducks are…

When you share your ideas with your trusted people they always say “That’s so awesome! Go get it!” but you still feel like something is off.

It feels overwhelming sometimes and you’re not sure.

Do you have a great business idea but no clarity?

  • it feels exciting and might be exactly what you want to do

  • you have a list in a journal with a pile of things you think you could / should be doing

  • are you feeling a little lost and wish someone could just tell you what the heck to do?

Cafe au lait pink blush dahlia in green foilage.

You are Designed for This

We all have access to the same collective wisdom and with practice your ability to tune in gets stronger. Your discernment of what matters to you and what doesn’t expands the more you tune in to your own wisdom, experience and body.

I believe your body is your partner so you can be in your fullest expression. This means that you will tap into the essence of who you are, your heart, soul, mind, experiences, and body so you can explore what’s possible.

I believe our interconnectedness to all in the universe is designed to help us see ourselves more clearly…and that’s how this works.


What to expect in a See Yourself Clearly session

With YOUR invitation - I tune in (sometimes my eyes are closed). I feel safe and grounded in my body which creates space for me to have clear access to frequencies that I experience as thoughts, knowings, sounds, pictures (most often like a film), and physical and emotional feelings.

I will guide you to do the same and witness as you explore what is true for you. You will leave with a deeper sense of how to do this for yourself - I believe it will feel like a “remembering” of something you’ve always known how to do.


This is a different kind of Business Coaching

This is what it looks like during a “See Your Business Clearly” session.

Your business, your idea, your creative spark - is here for you first.

What you create together from there - is all part of this adventure!

Your dream belongs here! Let’s make it real!

You’ve got a Dream - Let’s make it Real!

I’ve never experienced something this ease-filled and inspiring before!

Elle had a beautiful way of combining my connection to all to bring in the clear voice of my business.

She provided me with very practical next steps to make my business visible and she made it feel easy and fun.

I’ve had a lot of business coaching in the past and I’ve never experienced something this easy-filled and inspiring before!

Do yourself a favour and book a session with Elle and discover how you can also co-create in flow with your business!

Much love and gratitude.

- Heidi Isaac

It’s time to SEE your business clearly!

What if your business vibe was so crystal clear that your clients can find you within a few minutes online?

What if when you sat down to write a post or share a live video you know exactly who you are and what you are offering that it’s easy to communicate your message?

What if you knew in every cell who you are, what impact you are creating with your business that it feels easy and flowing!

What if you and your inspired idea could have a conversation?

Close your eyes and ask yourself what impact you want to cause in the world. Now close your eyes and ask your business what impact IT wants to make.

Let’s optimize this relationship and co-create as the Universe!

Includes a two-hour recorded session delivered to your inbox: $350CAD

Ok, I just have to also say - that last post I did - I have never ever got that much traffic to a post before!

Insightful and intuitive support by the beautiful Ace of ♠️ (Elle) is where it’s at!

~Melissa Friesen | The Retreat Alchemist