Essential Oils for people who want to feel good
If you have participated in one of my programs - it is likely you experienced Doterra Essential Oils. If you are interested in purchasing oils - this is where you can do it!
I share oils with people who are looking for a relaxed guide who can answer your questions about the oils, but I won’t be reminding you of sales or managing your oil purchases.
This is for those who are ready to experience the oils, purchase them, and explore them at their own pace.
I am passionate about Doterra Oils and their quality - they are what we use in our family - but my online groups and oil events are no longer happening so I can focus on the Hummingbird Forest Gardens, my YouTube Channel, and photography.
Are you curious about Essential Oils?
From the blog:
Where can you experience, try and learn about Essential Oils in Ottawa Gatineau? Are you overwhelmed with all the options? How to find what you are looking for. Doterra Essential Oils changed my experience of oils and I’m happy to share a sample with you. Classes or one on on meetings to help you decide also.
Learn how to make your summer even cooler using essential oils in your popsicles, refreshing drinks and cooling sprays you can make at home.
Some basic information here including a list of some oils to avoid using on your skin before going in the sun. Did you know that some oils can cause skin discolouration and sunburn? Learn which ones and what to do.
It’s 2020, the Spring we will look back on and remember making the best of our homes, yards and neighbourhoods. The spring we will remember getting to know our neighbours better because we have more time to chat with them. It has become clear that my love of Bridgehead coffee dates was about the people, not the lattes.
This is the spring we will remember wearing masks to get groceries…
How do you know what oils are “best” for your family? How do you know the difference when there are so many oil companies saying they are pure and safe? What are some ACTUAL reasons we choose Doterra at our house?
Do you experience symptoms when the seasons change? Have you ever tried a steam cup? Relief may be possible using lemon, lavender and peppermint - learn about this power-trio here.
Pair lemongrass essential oil with any actions around decluttering, minimizing and letting go of what no longer serves. Are you trying to find the motivation to open that junk drawer and start moving things out of your home? Use a few drops of lemongrass (maybe only one!) in your diffuser to get the party started!
How do I navigate all the overwhelming information on the internet? How do I know what’s true? Does my own personal experience with the oils mean anything? Where does all this “research” come from? Well, folks, this is my blunt blog post all about that. Hint: I believe you are responsible for your decisions and health…
What is it really like to build a business with Doterra? A story about what it has really been like for my family. Truth. Does it fit into your lifestyle? Is it something that you want? Does it complement your current business?
Are you concerned about your children’s safety using essential oils? Good question! Children can experience all the emotional and physical benefits that adults can when using oils correctly and safely. Here’s how.