Elle Odyn

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Don’t tell anyone that! You’ll lose clients…

There’s a channel between Heaven and Earth, and it’s you.

The Space Between…

10 years ago, as we left a coffee shop, a photography client asked me what the tagline of my photography business, “Light, Breath & the Space Between,” meant.

I answered.

It came to me while singing in the church choir when I was 7 or 8. I’d always noticed how light, sound and breath fill all the spaces - even in the darkest times.

I’d be singing and listening to how the sound of our voices and the piano traveled and lit up spaces. Our voices bounced off the walls, moved at different speeds, away from each other, or fell into a matching vibration.

I’d feel it in my body and see it with my eyes.

I didn’t know back then that not everyone could see sound or hear light.

I’ve always believed that the “space between” is where we experience God, connection, and Oneness.

I believe creating—BEING CREATIVE—is how we express our experience of “the space between.” Photography captures that space for me.

She responded,

“Well, it’s good you don’t tell anyone that because you’ll lose clients.”

“Ok, then. Thanks for the visit”, I answered.

Creativity, Art, Your Being Here is the Bridge:

Between the “Unseen” and “Seen”.

Between the idea and the novel.

Between your intuition and your next business move.

Between your experience of love and the making of your child’s favourite meal for dinner tonight.

Between inspiration and impact.

Between disconnect and experience.

Art brings things into experience: sight, touch, sound…

We are all artists. We are all here creating. Work is creative. Thoughts and actions are creative. Heck, therapy, healing, all of it - CREATIVE.

I believe we are here to be in our fullest expression - and sometimes that means digging through the mud in therapy, it means writing the book (or the blog post), discovering conclusions from the data on that spreadsheet, dancing, drawing the picture, organizing the dinner party, resting…

It’s all creation.

Creativity makes the intangible, tangible.

Impact is the result of creativity, not the cause.

I’ve been through a lot of phases over here -

“What’s the point?“

“Nothing I do matters”

“Who do I think I am?”

“Maybe they were right all along and I am worthless”…

I’ve also experienced bliss, timelessness, flow, connection, soul, spirit, and Oneness.

Beautiful, genuine relationships have been built through art, creativity, and work.

Many of the friendships I’ve built in adulthood were founded because I shared an image in a photography group - which led to conversation, which led to connection…you see how it works?

Being creative FEELS good - and the IMPACT of that is infinite (and not really up to us).

I believe we are here to be in our fullest expression.

Being creative is being ourselves.

We all have unique roles to play, contributions, voices, art, dance moves, and writing - and it all bounces off each other, harmonizes, inspires, repels (yes, repels), attracts, and mixes in this giant pool of creation here on Earth.

How many “humans creating” did it take to capture these photos?

Most often we can’t see the Northern Lights with our naked eye. A photographer creates images of what’s unseen in the sky and makes it visible. The photographer’s creative expression invites experience - but there were many creators before them.

Think of all the CREATORS that ACTUALLY went into these photos!! Humans created:

  • the camera

  • editing software

  • computers

  • mirrors

  • plastic

  • tripods

  • the dock I stood on to capture many of these images

  • film cameras

  • film development chemicals

  • teachers

  • every photographer’s expression before me

Anyway, I hope this is making some grounded sense.

The first person to paint a picture of how light moves through glass impacted the next painter, the next inventor, the next thinker, and the designer of the first camera.

Yesterday, that impact rippled on as a mother was inspired to connect with her daughter because she saw a photo of another mother holding her crying toddler…do you see?

It’s all connected. It’s all divine. We are creative beings.

Our fullest expression is creating from the inside - out.

I think that might be the design.

Your ideas matter.

Your art matters.

Your contribution matters.

Your creativity is a bridge, a channel, a path to what’s next.

(and pssst! Express the truth of who you are into the world and you’ll find your people - and clients!)